Last modified 2005 APR 07 04:40:17 GMT |
The goal of this project is to collect up and publish an errata to the
various documents for the XJ-S, most notably the Workshop Service Manual,
Repair Operation Manual, and the electrical supplements, although the parts
catalogues and owners manuals are candidates for correction. I am *NOT*
looking for a collection of superceeded parts numbers.
Such errors include mistakes in wiring diagrams (idenitfying a component
which isn't actually present), or measurements (the coolant temperature
sensor on the HE engine for example). If you note mistakes in the
documentation (which are not already listed here), please email the
publication number, page number, and the quoted passage or description of
the diagram, along with the correct information, citing a source for the
correction. Please note that just noting that your own car differs from a
diagram isn't sufficient to say that the diagram is incorrect -- your car
may have been bodged during previous servicing.
If you have supplementary information - diagrams or descriptions of circuit
operation which the official documentation does not include, please notify me
of this material before sending along attachments.
As I accumulate errata, I shall post them here, eventually producing a PDF
document suitable for printing and inserting into your official documentation.
"Known Issues" in this table is merely a summary of issues with the
documentation, not THE errata itself which I am looking to collect and
disseminate. If you have these documents, but do not have the publication
"issues" (typically missing pages), please contact me.
If you are aware of other documentation, please email me with the publication
number, synopsis, your source and the price you paid for it. If you have
documentation which you would be willing to loan me, this would be great.
Part Number
Known Issues
March 1995 Parts Catalogue - 5 sheets, approx 761 unique pages
(each fiche has a copy of the index in the first row).
Jaguar Factory Training manual for the V-12. I've been alerted to its
existence, but have not yet placed my hands upon it. It is approx 40 pages.
XJ-S Engine Performance. Reportedly has information on checking and
setting of various sensors.
Jaguar Technical Service Bulletins. These should be available as a
collection somewhere of the various notices.
Jaguar Factory Alarm User's Guide. I don't know this to be an actual
publication, but I suspect that it should be - if not part of a later model
Jaguar Owner's Manual. This information would be invaluable to have as an
independant manual so that people with factory alarms would have a source for
January 1989 Parts Catalogue. This is a printed copy of the fiche.
Unbeknownst to me at the time of ordering, the print edition is not something
which Jaguar sells - this was produced by a third party. Much easier to use
than the - 5 sheets, approx 761 unique pages
(each fiche has a copy of the index in the first row).
A handful of pages are missing or were not printed properly.
JJM 10 04 06
Workshop Service Manual, in four volumes. This is not
the same as the publication commonly referred to as the "ROM".
Errata to be created.
Print and CD-ROM
AKM 3455 Ed 3
Jaguar XJ-S Repair Operation Manual Incorporating XJ-S HE Supplement.
My personal copy of this is actually from the JHM-1114 disc below, and the
edition referred to here identifies the edition found on the disc.
This publication is sort of like a "Cliffs Notes" version of the WSM.
If you have the WSM, there isn't a real need to rush out and try to glam
onto a copy of this publication.
Kirby Palm indicates that there is an Ed. 4 out there someplace.
Errata to be created.
Electrical Supplement. Excellent resource, but published only by the
US Technical Publications department. It is available for different years,
starting with approx 1980, but availability is spotty.
Some differences noted between diagrams and actual 1988 model.
JHM 1114
XJ-S to 1987. Includes four-volume Workshop Service Manual (JJM 10 04 06),
The Electrical Supplement (cover page is missing, I do not know the
publication number), the Repair Operations Manual with HE Supplement, and
three parts catalogues (unfortunatley, all predate the two listed above).
As provided by the JDHT, this disc uses an unweildy viewer application,
also has some pages in the ZF4HP22 transmission section misordered (and a
couple duped, with others missing - nothing critical), and documents are
missing cover pages.
JHM 1127
XJ-S post 1987. Includes later edition of four-volume Workshop Service
Manual (JJM 10 04 06 / 20) plus Electrical Supplement (aka "Volume 5"), two
Appendix' (1993 and 1995), plus the four-volume supplement (intended to be
inserted as replacement pages in the Workshop Service Manual binders). This
disc contains NO PARTS CATALOGUES.
As provided by the JDHT, this disc uses an unweildy viewer application
called ScanForm. Pages are misordered, and after manual reordering, it
appears that there may be several missing pages. As I do not own the
equivalent print version of this documentation, I cannot determine which
pages are supposed to be there, nor do I have a source to scan and supplement
the documentation with.
If you have the print version of these documents, have
a good scanner, and are willing to review page-by-page this documentation
(not comparing the precise page content, but mostly confirming each page IS
present and in the proper order), and scan high quality copies of the missing
pages, please contact me. I am working on getting the JDHT to republish a
PDF version of this reference, with corrections, and I'd like to be able to
provide a complete and correct PDF document to do that with.
49015 (478) [HAYNES]
Haynes Jaguar XJ12 & XJS (1972 thru 1985). This is not
a Jaguar Publication, but so many people refer to it at some point or another
that errata should be made available (note that the availability of the
complete Jaguar Service Manuals on CD-ROM from the JDHT for cheap should negate
the need for people to fall back on this publication as an affordable
alternative). This is a secondary concern.
Errata to be collected. I do know that there are a LOT of errors in this
Sean B. Straw
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